Newsweek: Robert Amsterdam Comments on Venezuelan Elections


On Sunday, Venezuela held regional gubernatorial elections, allowing the regime of President Nicolas Maduro to expand his reach on power. Speaking with Newsweek, Amsterdam & Partners LLP founding partner Robert Amsterdam shares his views:

After months of protest, Maduro’s support is waning. In one recent poll reported by Reuters, the opposition front was given 44.7 percent of voter support versus 21.1 percent for the government.

Opposition leaders have led thousands of people in the streets in the past six months seeking to enforce regime change via a new presidential election. The government responded by moving its regional election scheduled for December to October, temporarily suspending the anti-government demonstrations.

“It won’t be a proper election,” international lawyer Robert Amsterdam of Amsterdam & Partners, who works in emerging markets, tells Newsweek. “The opposition is exhausted and it’s part of Maduro’s game. It’s all about the next presidential election, that’s what everybody has to focus on.”

Read the full article in Newsweek.