Encompassing mining, oil, and natural gas production, the extractive industries are among the most intrepid and innovative in terms of foreign markets in which they operate, but for the same reason, they also encounter some the highest levels of political and business risk.
Amsterdam & Partners LLP has represented several of the world’s top 20 extractive industry companies in various capacities, from managing disputes with states and competitors to designing and implementing comprehensive corporate social responsibility programmes. Amsterdam & Partners LLP thus understands what it takes for extractive industry companies to be successful, and also understands how to navigate the likely challenges that investors will face in host and home countries alike.
Amsterdam & Partners LLP is also a leading proponent of companies developing a corporate foreign policy for the markets in which they operate. In the extractive industries, this often means that companies need to put in place effective mechanisms of transparency and accountability, anticipate host countries’ political dynamics, and engage actively with local constituencies.
Moreover, in an international business environment in which the line between the public and private sectors has been blurred, many of our clients have found that not everybody is playing by the rules, and, in many cases, rules of engagement have yet to be written. Amsterdam & Partners LLP is ready and capable to help manage risk, contain liability, and expand profitable operational capacity on behalf of our extractive industry clients.